Acer Midas Gifts & Crafts

Just Stuff:

... Vanquished the Dragon
I've vanquished the dragon
Infiltrated his lair

Ransomed all of his prisoners
with the long locks of hair

Freed from his desolation
Took a while for them to feel free

Afraid to leave my high tower
for anyone else to see

But I opened the door, showed them life like no other
Gave them peace and the hope to become a wife and a mother

None to take all their gain, bread from their children's plates
None to force them to town, or to send them on dates

All my daughters are free, because I vanquished the dragon
All my sons are grown wise with their mother's love to raise them

Be pure my children

walk in the light
Lest the dragon comes again by night
Be pure my children

This poem was written by a human :)

Poetry Corner

Writing Prompt This Week:

I walked past the old castle as I had done many times before, with thoughts of the grandeur of times past as I trod onward towards my hovel. I was deeply invested in the news brought in by the messenger who came from......... (Please complete the story in your own words and make it as short or long as you wish.) Look at the examples of writing that precede and follow. Is there a lot of difference between writing of a human versus AI? Experiment with your story that you, the human wrote by putting those elements into an AI generator and see if the story is anywhere close to what you would have imagined yourself.

Now look at the art: The painting with the woman (me) and the dragon is an original painting by my late brother Phillip Brake, and the other images were AI generated. Which elements of each did you like, and dislike?

In an age where the sun doth rise and set upon the tales of yore, there lived a maiden of remarkable spirit, whose heart beat fervently for the voiceless and downtrodden. With hair as radiant as the golden dawn and eyes that sparkled with the kindness of a thousand stars, she wielded not merely a blade of steel but a sword of truth, forged in the fires of justice and valour. Her quest led her to a menacing lair where an ancient, wicked dragon lay, clutching the burdens of the oppressed within its cruel grasp. With courage flowing through her veins like the purest river, she approached, undeterred by the beast’s fearsome visage. The air was thick with tension as she raised her sword, the shimmering light reflecting her unwavering resolve, vowing to liberate her kin from the clutches of despair and restore hope to the hearts of the weary. Thus began her tale, woven in the tapestry of time.

(Notice that this was written by AI.)

Freedom's Song

Awake my child, are you dreaming?

Awake my child, Cause you're about to drown!

All the rules you flaunted...

Only pain has haunted...

In the name of freedom!

Awake my child, you're still sleeping.

Awake my child, you're crashing to the ground!

You did whatever pleased you...

So no one ever teased you...

For the sake of freedom!

Awake my child, you are dying.

Awake my child, can't feel from the neck down!

All the years you let go...

Working up your mojo...

Because you wanted freedom!

This freedom of your body, imprisoned your mind!

Your freedom of desires, chained up your heart and soul!

You're seeking retribution...

for your destitution...

Caused by your false freedom!

Awake my child, you're forgiven.

Awake my child, get your knees upon the ground!

The Holy one has called you...

Before evil befalls you...

To enter His real freedom